विश्व हिंदी सचिवालय, मॉरीशस का प्रयास An endevour of World Hindi Secretariat, Mauritius  
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हिंदी विद्वान
  स्व. डॉ. विजय गंभीर स्व. डॉ. विजय गंभीर
Late Dr. Vijay Gambhir

South Asia Studies University of Pennsylvaniya Philadelphia, PA – 19104 – 6305 USA
Email: vgambhir@sas.upenn.edu
Phone: उपलब्ध नहीं
स्व. डॉ. विजय गंभीर  से संबंधित टैग

स्व. डॉ. विजय गंभीर  से संपर्क कीजिए:

प्रेषक का नाम:

प्रेषक का ईमेल:




1. हिंदी व शिक्षणशास्त्र की प्रोफ़ेसर, पेनसिलवेनिया विश्वविद्यालय
2. 2009-2011, हिंदी व शिक्षणशास्त्र की सहायक एसोसिएट प्रोफ़ेसर, पेनसिलवेनिया विश्वविद्यालय
3. 1996-1999 व 2002-2008, भाषा समंवयक, पेनसिलवेनिया विश्वविद्यालय
4. 1991-2008, हिंदी व शिक्षण शास्त्र की वरिष्ठ प्राध्यापिका, पेनसिलवेनिया
5. 1991-1999, कार्यप्रणाली (Methodology) की सहायक निदेशिका, पेन भाषा केंद्र, पेनसिलवेनिया विश्वविद्यालय
6. 1973-1991, हिंदी प्राध्यापिका, पेनसिलवेनिया विश्वविद्यालय
7. 1989-1990, हिंदी व भाषा शिक्षाशास्त्र की विजिटिंग वरिष्ठ प्राध्यापिका, कॉर्नेल विश्वविद्यालय
8. 1972-1973, लैंग्वेज प्रोग्राम इंचार्ज (Language Program In-charge), अमेरिकन इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ इंडियन स्टडीज़ (American Institute of Indian Studies)
9. 1969-1972, हिंदी प्रशिक्षक, अमेरिकन इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ इंडियन स्टडीज़
10. 1972, विजिटिंग हिंदी प्रशिक्षक, केंद्रीय हिंदी संस्थान, नई दिल्ली

पेनसिलवेनिया विश्वविद्यालय


1. पीएचडी भाषा विज्ञान, पेनसिलवेनिया विश्वविद्यालय, 1981
2. एम.ए. भाषा विज्ञान, पेनसिलवेनिया विश्वविद्यालय, 1975
3. एम.ए. भाषा विज्ञान, देल्ली विश्वविद्यालय, 1969
4. बी.ए. हिंदी साहित्य व अर्थशास्त्र, दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय, 1965


1. Gambhir V., 1995, The Teaching and Acquisition of South Asian Languages (Editor)
2. Gambhir V., New Directions New People, ‘नई दिशाएँ नए लोग’ (सह-लेखक)
3. Gambhir V., Let’s Learn Devanagri (video)
4. Gambhir V., 2008, Teaching and Learning Heritage Languages of South Asia, (Guest editor) Vol. 1
5. Gambhir V., 1990, Hindi Proficiency Guidelines. In Foreign Language Annals, (Project director & author) vol. 23, 235-252
6. Gambhir V., 2014, Hindi Standards for Language Learning, (Project director & author) ACTFL Publication
7. Gambhir V., 2014, Maintenance and Vitalization of Hindi in the United States (co-author), edited by Payton J. & Bianco L., In the special issue of the Heritage Language Journal on Language Vitality
8. Gambhir V., 2014, The Journey of Hindi in the United States (co-author). In Handbook of heritage, community, and Native American languages in the United States: Research, policy, and educational practice, edited by T. G. Wiley, J. K. Peyton, D. Christian, S. C. K. Moore, & N. Liu. Routledge & Center for Applied Linguistics, 167-176
9. Gambhir V., 2012, What’s the Language of India? In The 5-Minute Linguist, edited by E. M. Rickerson & B. Hilton. Bristol, CT: Equinox Publishing Ltd., 278-282
10. Gambhir V., 2008, The Rich Tapestry of Heritage Learners of Hindi. In Teaching and Learning Heritage Languages of South Asia, VOL 1 1
1. Gambhir V., 1996, First Person Pronominals in Hindi: Formal and Socio-dynamic Analysis. In Perspectives on Language in Society, edited by S. K. Verma and D. Singh. Delhi: Kalinga Publications, 227-252 1
2. Gambhir V., 1995, Developing Reading Proficiency in Modern South Asian Languages. In The Teaching and Acquisition of South Asian Languages, edited by V. Gambhir. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 108-135, 1
3. Gambhir V., 199
5.Punjabi Video Materials for Language and Culture. In New Haven: Consortium News 1
4. Gambhir V., 1994, Focus on the Learner - with special Reference to South Asian Languages. In Aspects of Language Teaching, edited by M.R. Unnithan and O. N. Koul 1
5. Gambhir V.,1993, Simple and Complex Verb Phrases - A Synchronic & Diachronic View – In Complex Predicates in South Asian Languages, edited by M.K. Verma. New Delhi: Manohar Publication, 77-96 1
6. Gambhir V., 1992, Linear Ordering and Message Encoding. In Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, edited by R.N. Srivastava, et al. Delhi: Sahitya Sahakar, 238-257 1
7. Gambhir V., 1987, Some Preliminary Thoughts about Proficiency Guidelines in Hindi. In ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines for the Less Commonly Taught Languages, edited by C. W. Stansfield and C. Harman. Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics & Hastings-On-Hudson, NY: American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, 1-9 1
8. Gambhir V., 1986, Language Teaching and Discourse. In Language Style and Discourse, edited by Koul O. N.. New Delhi: Bahri Publications, 161-184 1
9. Gambhir V., 1985, Review of An Introduction to the Sacred Language of the Sikhs by C. Shackle. In the Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 10
5.4, 809
20. Gambhir V., 1983, Review of Studies in the Semantic Structure of Hindi by K. C. Bahl. In Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 10
3.4, 814 2
1. Gambhir V., 1983, Theme Focussing in Hindi. In Indian Linguistics: Journal of the Linguistic Society of India, vol. 44, 1-4, 2
2. Gambhir V.,1981, In Support of SOV. In Papers in Linguistics, Vol.1
4.2, 197-216

उल्लेखनीय गतिविधियाँ/ उपलब्धियाँ/ प्रतिभागिता:

1. Jan 26, 2015, World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages: Translating Research into Practice – To be presented at UCLA, CA
2. March 2014, Vitality of Hindi in the United States: The Role of Capacity, Opportunity and Desire - Co-presented at the Second International Conference on Heritage Language at UCLA
3. April 2014, Changing Phase of Hindi Language Education in the United States – Presented at the International Hindi conference (regional chapter) at New York University
4. April 2009, A Closer Look at Authentic Materials in Less Commonly Taught Languages – Presentation at the Penn Language Centers’ Pedagogy workshop
5. April 2008, National Hindi Standards for Foreign Language Learners – Presented at NCOLCTL (National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages) conference in Madison, Wisconsin
6. November 2007, The Rich Tapestry of Heritage Language Learners of Hindi-Urdu – Keynote presentation at the University of Texas at Austin at their first workshop of Flagship teachers and students
7. April 2007, National Standards for Learning Hindi – Presented at the annual convention of NCOLCTL held in Madison, Wisconsin
8. April 2006, Learning from Context: Video Based Instruction for Hindi and Tamil – Presented at NEALLT Conference held at the University of Pennsylvania
9. October 2005, A Paradigm Shift: South Asian Languages – Invited Presentation at Emory University
10. September 2005, Curricular Models for Teaching Heritage Learners: The case of Hindi – Presented at SALA (South Asia Language Association) conference held at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1
1. April 200
5.Interlanguage Discourse: A Cross-section View - Presented at the annual convention of NCOLCTL (National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages) in Madison, Wisconsin 1
2. September 2004, Designing Tasks and Subtasks – Presented at the Penn Language Center Workshop on Task-Based Curriculum 1
3. April 2004, Pathways to Motivation: Survey of Hindi Learners - Presented at the annual convention of NCOLCTL held in Madison, Wisconsin 1
4. March 2004, Rethinking Grammar Instruction: Processing Instruction and Structured Input - Presented at South Asia’s monthly language seminar meeting,. 1
5. February 2004, Indian Languages at Home and Abroad - Keynote presentation at the opening ceremony of Rutgers University’s undergraduate degree program in South Asia 1
6. 2003, Investigating Competence and Performance of Heritage Learners - Keynote presentation at the annual conference of SALA (South Asian Language Analysis) held at the University of Texas at Austin 1
7. September 2003, Teaching Philosophy Behind Penn’s Hindi Materials - Presented at New York University’s conference on Technology and Language Teaching 1
8. October 2002, Student Collaborations through WIMBA - Presented at the annual conference of the Consortium of Language Teaching & Learning. Philadelphia 1
9. April 2002, Border Crossing: Asian Languages & Area Studies – Challenges Ahead - Presented at the annual conference of Association of Asian Studies
20. March 2001, Web-Interface Design of Hindi Materials - Presentation at Penn's annual Foreign Language Workshop for language specialists

मान्यता/ पुरस्कार/ सम्मान:

1. 2009 & 2010, STARTALK grants for conducting professional two-week long intensive Hindi & Urdu teacher-training programs for K-16 teachers at the University of Pennsylvania;
2. 2007, South Asia Language Resource Center (SLARC) grant for developing National Standards for Hindi
3. 2006, National Standards Collaborative Board grant for developing National Standards for Hindi
4. 2004 to 2005, South Asia Language Resource Center (SLARC) grant for rehabbing University of Pennsylvania’s Hindi instructional materials
5. 2001, Consortium for Language Teaching and Learning grant for developing web-based instructional materials for Beginning and Accelerated Hindi
6. 1991, Research leave for one semester by the University of Pennsylvania to study needs and motivation factors of heritage language learners of Hindi
7. 1998, Consortium for Language Teaching and Learning grant for inviting guest speakers for a seminar series on Second Language Teaching and Acquisition at the University of Pennsylvania
8. 1998, Center for Language Education and Research at Michigan State University award for participating in the summer institute focused on computer-assisted language instruction
9. 1997, Center for Language Education and Research at Michigan State University award for participating in the summer institute focused on developing computer-assisted language learning materials
10. 1997, University of Pennsylvania’s ICDF grant for developing web-based instructional materials in Hindi 1
1. 1996 Consortium for Language Teaching & Learning grant for investigating Heritage and Non-Heritage Learners' Styles of Learning 1
2. 1996, Consortium for Language Teaching & Learning grant for organizing a lecture series on Techniques and Technologies in the context of second language teaching and learning 1
3. 1989, Consortium for Language Teaching & Learning grant for organizing a workshop on Tools for Developing Proficiency in South Asian Languages 1
4. 1987-1989, U.S. Department of Education grant (Grant 008740402) for Development and Dissemination of Language Specific Proficiency Guidelines in Hindi 1
5. 1988, American Institute of Indian Studies’ short-term senior fellowship for conducting research on Code Switching and Educated Native Speaker Competency 1
6. 1987, Consortium for Language Teaching & Learning grant for developing Teaching & Learning of Devanagari Script and Sounds videos 1
7. 1987, Educational Computing Development grant from the University of Pennsylvania for developing Computer Assisted Listening Comprehension Materials with Video Input for Advanced & Superior Level Students of Hindi 1
8. 1985, U.S. Department of Education grant for developing Semi-direct Oral Proficiency Test in Hindi 1
9. 1984, U.S. Department of Education grant for developing Hindi Proficiency Tests in Listening and Reading Comprehension
20. 1984, American Institute of Indian Studies short-term senior fellowship for conducting research on Differences between Spoken and Written Hindi

उल्लेखनीय सूचनाएँ:
आपने हिंदी व भाषा सम्बंधित कई सम्मेलनों व कार्यशालाओं का आयोजन किया है। आप कई संस्थाओं व समितियों की सदस्या हैं।

विशेषज्ञता/ प्रवीणता/ रुचि के क्षेत्र:
अमेरिका, उत्तरी अमेरिका, शिक्षण/शिक्षण शास्त्र, भाषा शास्त्र, प्रचार America, North America, Education/ Pedagogy, Language/Publication, Propagation Activities

वेब आधारित कड़ियाँ (Links):


https://www.southasia.upenn.edu/people/gambhir डॉ. विजय गंभीर (मेल)

वेबसाइट/ ब्लॉग:
उपलब्ध नहीं

  विश्व हिंदी सचिवालय
(मॉरीशस सरकार और भारत सरकार की द्विपक्षीय संस्था)
इंडिपेंडेंस स्ट्रीट, फेनिक्स, 73423, मॉरीशस।
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        World Hindi Secretariat

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