विश्व हिंदी सचिवालय, मॉरीशस का प्रयास An endevour of World Hindi Secretariat, Mauritius  
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हिंदी विद्वान
  सहायक प्रोफ़ेसर उल्फत मुखिबोवा सहायक प्रोफ़ेसर उल्फत मुखिबोवा
Associate Professor Ulfat Mukhibova

4, Samarkand Darvaza str., apt. 1 Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 700021
Email: ulfatmuhib8@mail.ru
Phone: + 99871-2457595 +99894-6443039
सहायक प्रोफ़ेसर उल्फत मुखिबोवा  से संबंधित टैग

सहायक प्रोफ़ेसर उल्फत मुखिबोवा  से संपर्क कीजिए:

प्रेषक का नाम:

प्रेषक का ईमेल:




1. सहायक प्रोफ़ेसर, उप मुख्यमंत्री एवं अध्यक्षा, डिपार्टमेंट ऑफ़ लिटरेचर ऑफ फॉरेन ईस्ट, ताशकेंट स्टेट इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ ओरिएण्टल स्टडीज़, 1999-संप्रति
2. रेडियो कार्यक्रमों की संपादिका - स्टेट टेलीविजन ब्राडकास्ट, ताशकंद एजेंसी, 1997
3. हिंदी भाषा व साहित्य रीडर, डिपार्टमेंट ऑफ़ लिटरेचर ऑफ फॉरेन ईस्ट, ताशकेंट स्टेट इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ ओरिएण्टल स्टडीज़, 1993-1996
4. हिंदी प्राध्यापिका - भारतीय भाषाशास्त्र विभाग, ताशकंद स्टेट यूनिवर्सिटी, 1986-1989
5. सहयोगी - भारतीय भाषाशास्त्र विभाग, ताशकंद स्टेट यूनिवर्सिटी, 1979-1986

ताशकंद स्टेट इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ ओरिएंटल स्टडीज़


1. पीएचडी, ताशकंद स्टेट इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ ओरिएंटल स्टडीज़। (1995)
2. पोस्ट ग्रेजुएट कोर्स, ताशकंद स्टेट इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ ओरिएंटल स्टडीज़। (1989-1992)
3. एम.ए. हिंदी भाषा और साहित्य एवं अंग्रेज़ी भाषा ओरिएंटल स्टडीज़ संकाय, ताशकंद विश्वविद्यालय। (1979)


1. (2014) Bhakti ideas of Dadu Dayal. Conference of Orientalists. Tashkent.
2. (2014) "Mahabharata" and "Andhra Mahabharata": the problem of national and individual versions. Proceedings of the international conference.Tashkent.
3. (2013) The study of Tagore creativity in Uzbekistan. Proceedings of the conference on Tagore studies.Tashkent.
4. (2013) Originality of bhakti ideas of Ramalinga. Collection of scientific articles.Tashkent.
5. (2013) Indian gopis. Proceedings of the National Conference of Orientalists.Tashkent.
6. (2012) Bhakti Ideas in the works of Rajab. Collection of scientific articles. №
3. Tashkent.
7. (2012) Poetess Mirabai. Woman of the East: Yesterday and Today. Proceedings of the National Conference. Tashkent.
8. (2012) Folk traditions of India. Collection of articles.Tashkent.
9. (2012) Basics of a strong family in Indian society. Conference of Orientalists.Tashkent.
10. (2012) The ideology of bhakti in the medieval religious and philosophical systems of India. Proceedings of the conference.Tashkent. 1
1. (2012) Malukdas and his ideas of bhakti. Proceedings of the conference.Tashkent. 1
2. (2012) The problem of periodization of Hindi literature. Proceedings of the conference. Tashkent. 1
3. (2012) Bhakti Literature. Monograph. Tashkent. 1
4. (2011) Kashmiri Sufi literature. Uzbek Orientalism. Compilation. Tashkent. 1
5. (2011) The image of women in the ancient Indian epics. Proceedings of the Conference of Orientalists. Tashkent. 1
6. (2011) Uzbek love poetry. Gagananchal. 1
7. (2011) Medieval fiction in Braj language. Collection of articles. Tashkent. 1
8. (2011) Kashmiri Sufi poetess Laleshvari. Modernization and tradition. Abstracts. St. Petersburg 1
9. (2010) Babur’s role in the cultural life of India. Collection of Orientalists. Tashkent.
20. (2010) Literary monument "Chaurasi veyshnavan ki varta" as a source for studying of the religious and philosophical terms and linguistic characteristics of Braj. Proceedings of the conference.Tashkent. 2
1. (2010) Jain Bhakts and their place in the literary process of medieval India. Lighthouse East.Tashkent. 2
2. (2010) Tolerance as a basis for the Bhakti ideology. Proceedings of the international conference. Moscow. 2
3. (2009) "Varta" as a genre of Indian hagiographic literature. Proceedings of International Conference. St. Petersburg. 2
4. (2009) Genre and stylistic features of "Chaurasi veyshnavan ki varta". Conference of Orientalists. № 1, Tashkent. 2
5. (2009) Literary and philosophical heritage of the sect "Pushti". Collection of Orientalists. Tashkent. 2
6. (2009) The impact of Bhakti ideology of on the outlook of Mahatma Gandhi. Lighthouse East, № 1-2, Tashkent. 2
7. (2009) Hindi literature and the problem of the human being concept. Proceedings of the conference .Namangan 2
8. (2008) Hindi sahitya. Lecture book. Tashkent. 2
9. (2008) Genre "varta" in the hagiographic literature. Proceedings of the Indo-Uzbek conference.Tashkent. 30. (2008) Babur’s role in the spiritual and educational life of Indian society (or the peoples of India). Tashkent oqshomi 3
1. (2008) Bhakti and Sufism in India and Central Asia. Proceedings of the international conference. Tashkent - Tsukuba. 3
2. (2008) Systematization of heroes of the literary monument "Chaurasi veyshnavan ki varta". Habarshy Herald, Nо 3 (44). Almaty. 3
3. (2008) Bhakti and Sufi image in medieval literature of India. Orientalist. Tashkent. 3
4. (2008) Braj Language- language of bhakti // Lighthouse of East. Tashkent. 3
5. (2008) Hindi literature. (Antiquity and the middle Ages). Textbook.Tashkent. 3
6. (2008) Manuscripts and editions of the monument of the XVII century "Chaurasi veyshnavan ki varta." Orientalist, N 1
2. Tashkent. 3
7. (2008) Indian angiographic literature. Monograph.Tashkent. 3
8. (2006) Naqshbandiya School in India. Sarq Mashali, magazine. Tashkent. 3
9. (2006) Chandi, bhakti and sufizm. Orientology. Tashkent. 40. (2006) Sant kavi sheyh Nuriddin from Kashmir. Magazine Sharq Mashali. Tashkent. 4
1. (2006) The history of social and philosophical thought of the East (anthology), Tashkent. (coauthored) 4
2. (2005) Chottopodhay Bonkimchondro, Uzbek national encyclopedia. Tashkent. 4
3. (2005) Chottopodhay Shorochondro, Uzbek national encyclopedia. Tashkent. 4
4. (2005) Hindi literature, Uzbek national encyclopedia. Tashkent. 4
5. (2005) Telugu literature, Uzbek national encyclopedia 4
6. (2005) Tamil literature, Uzbek national encyclopedia. Tashkent. 4
7. (2005) Bhakt and sufi character in the medieval Hindi literature. Tashkent. 4
8. (2004) Sanskrit literature, Uzbek national encyclopedia. Tashkent. 4
9. (2004) Literary process during the formation of Sufi literature,Tashkent. 50. (2004) Indian Sufi literature – traditions and heritage. Conference. TSIOS 5
1. (2003) Bhakti doctrine. Sharqshunoslik. Tashkent. 5
2. (2003) Mulk Raj Anand. Uzbek national encyclopedia. V.S. Tashkent. 5
3. (2003) Mahabharata. Uzbek national encyclopedia, Tashkent. 5
4. (2003) Nirala Suryakant Tripathi, Uzbek national encyclopedia, Tashkent. 5
5. (2002) Interactive methods in the teaching of literature, Thesis of Seminar, Tashkent 5
6. (2001) Bhakt womens of India. Magazine «Zvezda Vostoka», № 1-2, Tashkent. 5
7. (1999) Mera vatan mera dil. Newspaper «Satya raksha», No
1. 5
8. (1999) Urdu language in Uzbekistan, Urdu dunya. № 2 Delhi. 5
9. (1999) Hindi ke barhte kadam, Hindi language in Uzbekistan, Gagananchal. № 3 Delhi. 60. (1998) Reminding Khusrav. Gagananchal. №
1. Delhi. 6
1. (1997) Bhakti influence on Hindi poetry. Sharkshunoslik. Tashkent. 6
2. (1997) Jivan mulya – varta sahitya ke sandarbha me. Gagananchal. №
4. Delhi. 6
3. (1995) Description of characters of monument of «Chaurasi veyshnavan ki varta». Sharqshunoslik. Tashkent. 6
4. (1995) Indian Literary criticism about the formation of primary prose in braj. Sharkshunoslik. Tashkent. 6
5. (1992) Origin and formation of «varta» genre. Vostokovedeniye №
5. Tashkent 6
6. (1990) Some opinions in «Varta» and «Jitiya» (way of life). Thesis of conference v.
2. Alma-ati 6
7. (1990) Pilgrimage traditions of Middle Asia. Thesis of international symposium, India.Vrindavan. 6
8. (1989) About «varta» genre in the medieval braj literature. Thesis of conference. Tbilisi

उल्लेखनीय गतिविधियाँ/ उपलब्धियाँ/ प्रतिभागिता:
आपने रूस, कज़ाकस्तान, जॉर्जिया, अमेरीका आदि देशों में आयोजित सम्मेलनों/कार्यशालाओं में सक्रिय रूप से भाग लिया है।

मान्यता/ पुरस्कार/ सम्मान:
उपलब्ध नहीं

उल्लेखनीय सूचनाएँ:
आपको उज़्बेक, रुसी, हिंदी, अंग्रेज़ी, उर्दू आदि भाषाएँ आती हैं।

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  विश्व हिंदी सचिवालय
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