प्रो. फिलिप ए. लुत्गेंदोर्फ़
Prof. Philip A. Lutgendorf
Department of Asian and Slavic Languages and Literature, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Iowa 111 Phillips Hall Iowa City, IA 52242-1323 USA Email: philip-lutgendorf@uiowa.edu Phone: उपलब्ध नहीं |
प्रो. फिलिप ए. लुत्गेंदोर्फ़
से संबंधित टैग
प्रो. फिलिप ए. लुत्गेंदोर्फ़
से संपर्क कीजिए:
हिंदी और आधुनिक भारतीय अध्ययन के प्रोफ़ेसर (Department of Asian and Slavic Languages and Literature, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Iowa)
Department of Asian and Slavic Languages and Literature, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Iowa
पीएचडी 1987 (यूनिवर्सिटी ऑफ़ शिकागो)
1. 2007 Hanuman's Tale: The Messages of a Divine Monkey. New York: Oxford University Press.
2. 2005 "Monkeys." In Lindsay Jones (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Religion, Second Edition, vol. 9 pp. 6150-5 3. Detroit: Thomson Gale (Macmillan Reference USA).
3. 2005 "Who Wants to be a Goddess? Jai Santoshi Maa Revisited." Chakra (journal of Indian religions, Lund University, Sweden) 3, 72-112 (revised reprint of "A Superhit Goddess," 2002).
4. 2004 "Hanuman's Adventures Underground: The Narrative Logic of a Ramayana 'Interpolation'." In Mandakranta Bose (ed.) The Ramayana Revisited. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 149-6 3.
5. 2004 "(Too?) Many Ramayanas." Journal of Vaisnava Studies, 1 2.2, 201-21 1.
6. 2003 "Jai Santoshi Maa Revisited: On Seeing a Hindu 'Mythological' Film." In S. Brent Plate (ed.), Representing Religion in World Cinema: Mythmaking, Culture Making, Filmmaking . New York : Palgrave/St Martins . Pp. 19-4 2.
7. 2003 "Five Heads and No Tale: Hanuman and the Popularization of Tantra." In International Journal of Hindu Studies 5, 3:269-296 (dated 2001, but copyright 2003).
8. 2003 Entries on "Hanuman" (280-81). "Manas katha" (375-76), "Rama" (508), "Ramayana, T.V. Production" (511-512), and "Vyas" (631-32), in Peter J. Claus and Margaret A. Mills (eds.), South Asian Folklore: An Encyclopedia. New York and London: Routledge.
9. 2003 "Medieval Devotional Traditions: An Annotated Survey of Recent Scholarship," in Arvind Sharma (ed.), The Study of Hinduism. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press. Pp. 200-260.
10. 2002 "A Superhit Goddess/A Made-to-Satisfaction Goddess: Jai Santoshi Maa Revisited." Manushi, a Journal About Women and Society, 131:10-16, 24-3 7.
1 1. 2002 "Evolving a Monkey: Hanuman, Poster Art, and Postcolonial Anxiety." In Contributions to Indian Sociology, Vol. 36:1, 2. Pp. 71-11 2. Also published in Sumathi Ramaswamy, ed., Beyond Appearances? Visual Practices and Ideologies in Modern India. New Delhi: Thousand Oaks; London: Sage Publications (2003). Pp. 71-11 2.
1 2. 200 1. "From the Ramcaritmanas of Tulsidas, Book Five: Sundar Kand." (Reprint of 1994 translation, with new introduction.) Indian Literature, vol. XLV, no. 3: 143-18 1.
1 3. 2000 "Tulsidas." Article in Olive Classe (ed.), Encyclopedia of Literary Translation into English, 2 vols. London: Fitzroy Dearborn, vol. 2:1428-2 9.
1 4. 2000. "City, Forest, and Cosmos: Ecological Perspectives from the Sanskrit Epics," in Christopher Key Chapple and Mary Evelyn Tucker (eds.), Hinduism and Ecology. Harvard University Press.
1 5. 2000. "Dining Out at Lake Pampa: The Shabari Episode in Multiple Ramayanas," in Paula Richman (ed.), Questioning Ramayanas. Oxford University Press.
1 6. 199 9. "Like Mother, Like Son: Sita and Hanuman." Manushi: a Journal about Women and Society, No. 114, 22-3 5.
1 7. 199 7. "Monkey in the Middle: the Status of Hanuman in Popular Hinduism." Religion, 27, 311-33 2.
1 8. 199 7. "Imagining Ayodhya: Utopia and its Shadows in a Hindu Landscape." International Journal of Hindu Studies, 1:1, 19-5 4.
1 9. 199 7. Ramcaritmanas Word Index/Manas shabda anukramanika. by Winand M. Callewaert and Philip Lutgendorf, Delhi: Manohar. 336 pp. (a concordance to the Hindi epic).
20. 199 6. "Ramcaritmanas." In Ian P. McGreal (ed.), Great Literature of the Eastern World, 235-3 8. New York: Harper Collins.
2 1. 199 5. "All in the (Raghu) Family." In Lawrence A. Babb and Susan S. Wadley (eds.), Media and the Transformation of Religions in South Asia, 217-5 3. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press; and in Robert C. Allen (ed.), To Be Continued....Soap Operas Around the World, 321-5 3. London: Routledge. (revised version of 1990 "Ramayan: The Video").
2 2. 199 5. "Interpreting Ramraj: Reflections on the Ramayan, Bhakti, and Hindu Nationalism," in David Lorenzen (ed.), Bhakti Religion in North India: Community Identity and Political Action, 253-8 7. Albany: State University of New York Press.
2 3. 199 5. "Ramcaritmanas: From Book Five. The Beautiful Book." (Translation). In Maynard Mack (gen. ed.), The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces. (Expanded Edition), Vol. 1, 2316-3 2. New York: W. W. Norton and Co.
2 4. 199 4. "Banking on the Name." Journal of Vaisnava Studies, 2:2, 147-6 2.
2 5. 199 4. The Life of a Text: Performing the Ramcaritmanas of Tulsidas (Indian edition). Delhi: Oxford University Press (for reviews, see below, 1991).
2 6. 199 4. "My Hanuman Is Bigger than Yours." History of Religions 33:3, 211-4 5.
2 7. 199 4. "Sundar kand" (complete translation). Journal of Vaisnava Studies 2:4, 91-12 7.
2 8. 199 4. "The Quest for the Legendary Tulsidas." In Winand M. Callewaert and Rupert Snell (eds.), According to Tradition: Hagiographical Writing in India, 65-8 5. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz. (Expanded version of 1993 "The Quest")
2 9. 199 3. "The Quest for the Legendary Tulsidas." Journal of Vaisnava Studies 1:2, 79-10 1. Also appeared as "La Busqueda del Tulsidas Legendario." Estudios de Asia y Africa 81 (Journal of El Colegio de Mexico), Vol. 25:1, 8-2 9. (Spanish translation by Mariela Alvarez)
30. 199 2. "The 'Great Sacrifice' of Ramayana Recitation," in Monika Thiel-Horstmann (ed.), Ramayana and Ramayanas, 185-20 5. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz.
3 1. 199 2. "The Secret Life of Ramchandra of Ayodhya." In Paula Richman (ed.), Many Ramayanas: The Diversity of a Narrative Tradition in South Asia, 217-3 4. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
3 2. 199 2. "Storysellers: Patrons and Performers in Contemporary North India." In Paul Greenough (ed.), Redefining the 'Artisan': Traditional Technicians in Changing Societies, 59-8 3. The University of Iowa: Center for International and Comparative Studies, Occasional Paper Nos. 9-1 8.
3 3. 199 1. The Life of a Text: Performing the Ramcaritmanas of Tulsidas. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. (469 pp.)
Reviews: American Ethnologist 21:4, Anthropological Quarterly 66:2, Asian Folklore Studies (Nagoya) 52:2, The Book Review (New Delhi) 19:8, Estudios de Asia y Africa (Mexico City) 27:2, Folklore Bulletin 10:1, Journal of the American Academy of Religion 60:4, Journal of Asian and African Studies (London) 28:3-4, Journal of Asian Studies 54:2, Religious Studies Review 18:4, Semiotica 98:3/ 4.
3 4. 199 1. "Words Made Flesh: The Banaras Ramlila as Epic Commentary," in Joyce Burkhalter-Flueckiger and Laurie Sears (eds.), Boundaries of the Text: Epic Performances in South and Southeast Asia, 83-10 4. University of Michigan: Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies.
3 5. 1990. "The Power of Sacred Story: Ramayana Recitation in Contemporary North India," in Barbara A. Holdrege (ed.), Ritual and Power, a special issue of the Journal of Ritual Studies 4:1, 115-4 7.
3 6. 1990. "Ramayan: The Video." TDR (The Drama Review: A Journal of Performance Studies) 34:2 (T126), 127-7 6.
3 7. 198 9. "Ram's Story in Shiva's City: Public Arenas and Private Patronage," in Sandria Freitag (ed.), Culture and Power in Banaras: Community, Performance and Environment, 1800-1980, 34-6 1. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
3 8. 198 9. "The View from the Ghats: Traditional Exegesis of a Hindu Epic." Journal of Asian Studies 48, 272-8 8.
उल्लेखनीय गतिविधियाँ/ उपलब्धियाँ/ प्रतिभागिता:
आपने अनेक सम्मेलनों एवं कार्यशालाओं में सक्रिय रूप से भाग लिया है तथा अपने शोध-पत्र भी प्रस्तुत किए हैं।
मान्यता/ पुरस्कार/ सम्मान:
उपलब्ध नहीं
उल्लेखनीय सूचनाएँ:
आप विश्वविद्यालय में प्रथम, द्वितीय एवं तृतीय वर्ष के छात्रों को हिंदी पढ़ाते हैं। आप हिंदी में उन्नत छात्रों की व्यक्तिगत कक्षाएँ भी लेते हैं।
विशेषज्ञता/ प्रवीणता/ रुचि के क्षेत्र:
अमेरिका, उत्तरी अमेरिका, शिक्षण/शिक्षण शास्त्र, साहित्य/सृजनात्मक लेखन America, Northern America, Education/Pedagogy, Creative Writing
वेब आधारित कड़ियाँ (Links):
http://religiousstudies.ku.edu/philip-lutgendorf-professor-hindi-and-modern-indian-studies-university-iowa-speak-ku-february-28th http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GANnWOwWvg https://www.facebook.com/philip.lutgendorf http://www.tasveerghar.net/cmsdesk/authors/Philip_Lutgendorf.html http://chaiwallahsofindia.com/tag/philip-lutgendorf/
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