श्रीमती संध्या देवी अनचाराज़ नवोसा
Mrs Sundhya Devi Ancharaz Nawosah
Shakespeare Street, Fond Du Sac, Mauritius Email: sundhya@yahoo.co.uk
sundhya1501@gmail.com Phone: मोबाईल : 00 230 57327515
निवास : 00 230 2661004
कार्यालय : 00 230 4332213/ 00 230 4332188 |
श्रीमती संध्या देवी अनचाराज़ नवोसा
से संबंधित टैग
श्रीमती संध्या देवी अनचाराज़ नवोसा
से संपर्क कीजिए:
1. संप्रति : व्याख्याता, महात्मा गांधी संस्थान, मोका, मॉरीशस
2. जनवरी 2004 से जनवरी 2007 तक अध्यापिका (माध्यमिक पाठशाला)
3. 2005 से 2006 तक Freelance Newscaster, एम.बी.सी.
4. मार्च 2000 से जनवरी 2004 तक अध्यापिका (प्राथमिक पाठशाला)
महात्मा गांधी संस्थान, मोका, मॉरीशस
1. पीएचडी 2015
2. ALICT-African Leadership Programme in ICT 2014
3. Teachers Certificate Primary (TCP) 2000-2003
4. एम.ए. हिंदी, दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय, भारत 2000-2002
5. बी.ए. हिंदी, दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय, भारत 1996-1999
6. एच.एस.सी. 1995
7. एस.सी. 1993
1. www.evidyamauritius.com, www.srijangatha.com एवं www.dakshinidruv.blogspot.com में आपके कई लेख प्रकाशित।
2. पुस्तक : हिंदी फॉर्म 4, महात्मा गांधी संस्थान द्वारा प्रकाशित (आप उस पैनल में थीं)
उल्लेखनीय गतिविधियाँ/ उपलब्धियाँ/ प्रतिभागिता:
आपने अनेकानेक सम्मेलनों/कार्यशालाओं में भाग लिया है :
1. Workshop on ‘Initiation à l’utilisation de la plateforme Moodle’ organised by the Campus Numérique Francophone de l’Agence Universitaire de la Francophone and University of Technology.
2. Multi-disciplinary Workshop on ‘Emerging Trends in Education : Technology, Research and Curriculum’ organised by the LRC, MGI (2014)
3. Workshop on ‘Creative Writing to Screenplay Writing’ organised by World Hindi Secretariat.
4. Participated 1st International Conference of the Linguistics Society of India held in CIIL, Mysore, India in November 2013
5. Attended a training programme on ‘Emerging Technologies in Language Teaching’ held at Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL), Mysore, India
6. Attended workshop on ICT and Hindi, Web blogging and E-Journalism organised by World Hindi Secretariat in April 201 2.
7. Attended workshop on Writing Skills for Research Paper organised by the MRC (2011).
8. Attended an International Conference on Hindi Language and Globalisation in January 201 1.
9. Attended the Seminar cum Workshop on ‘Teaching and Learning of Asian Languages in Secondary Schools – The Way forward’ organised by the LRC (2011).
10. Attended an International Conference on Indian Diaspora in December 20 10.
1 1. Workshop on ‘Testing and Evaluation’ with reference to Language Evaluation organised by MGI with collaboration of CIIL (2008)
1 2. Workshop on Translatology organised by MGI with collaboration of CIIL (2008)
1 3. Conference on Devanagri script organised by the World Hindi Secretariat on 27 March 2007 at the IGCIC.
1 4. National conference on Hindi language organized by the Hindi Speaking Union in August 200 7.
1 5. Attended various seminars on Hindi Literature under the aegis of the M.G.I and other literary institutions such as the Sahitya Samvaad at the Indira Gandhi Centre for Indian Culture (a forum of numerous Mauritian writers).
आपने अनेकानेक सम्मेलनों में अपने शोध-पत्र प्रस्तुत किए :
1. Research paper on the “Introduction of Bhojpuri in the Formal Education System of Mauritius: Challengers and Experiences” at the International Bhojpuri Conference organised by the Bhojpuri Speaking Union and Mahatma Gandhi Institute (November 2014)
2. Research paper on the “Integration of Bhojpuri in the Hindi Language curriculum: Consolidation and Propagation of both Languages” at the Regional International Hindi Conference organised by the World Hindi Secretariat (November 2014)
3. Research paper on the ‘From Informal to Formal Education: Bhojpuri in the Primary School Curriculum - Experiences and Challenges’ at the 1st International Conference of the Linguistics Society of India held in CIIL, Mysore, India (November 2013)
4. Research paper on ‘A socio-cultural study of the post-independent Mauritian Society depicted in short stories’ in a Conference organised by the World Hindi Secretariat on the occasion of the 100 years of Hindi Journalism in Mauritius (March 2013)
5. Research paper on Bhojpuri in Linguistics Landscape of Mauritius in a Workshop organized for Teachers Diploma Programme’s students (February 2013).
6. Research paper on ‘Mauritius ke Bhashik Sanrachna main Bhojpuri ka Sthaan’ in the Online Magazine the Bhojpuri.com
7. Research paper on Bhojpuri Culture amongst Youngsters in the Seminar on ‘Bhojpuri: A Contemporary Outlook’ organised by Department of Bhojpuri, Folklore and Oral Tradition, MGI (April 2009)
8. Research paper on ‘Anjaley Coopen: The Labour Struggle and Role of Women’ submitted for publication in a book Diaspora Literature edited jointly by Prof D. Choubey (Jawaharlal Nehru University) and Mr. K. Goodary.
मान्यता/ पुरस्कार/ सम्मान:
1. Awarded a scholarship for the African Leadership programme in Information and Communication Technologies by the Global E-School Community Initiatives (GESCI)
2. The ICCR General Cultural Scholarship - 1996-1999 for B.A (Hons) Hindi at University of Delhi.
3. प्रथम पुरस्कार, बी.ए. हिंदी, हंसराज कॉलेज, दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय, भारत
4. सर्वश्रेष्ठ विद्यार्थिनी पुरस्कार, बी.ए. हिंदी, हंसराज कॉलेज, दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय, भारत (Awarded Best Student for B.A (Hons) Hindi batch 1996-1999 by the Hindi Department of Hans Raj College - University of Delhi)
5. निबंध प्रतियोगिता, द्वितीय पुरस्कार (Awarded Second Prize for Essay Writing at national level in Hindi in 1994 by the Hindu House)
उल्लेखनीय सूचनाएँ:
1. भोजपुरी भाषा को प्रोत्साहित करने हेतु, सन् 2014 में आप 'युवा मंच' (एम.बी.सी.) प्रतियोगिता में निर्णायक मंडल की सदस्या थीं।
2. सक्रिय सदस्या : साहित्य संवाद (सन् 2007 से अब तक)
3. सदस्या : हिंदी संगठन (सन् 2007 से अब तक)
4. अनुवाद कार्य :
(i) Translation of Mauritian Bhojpuri folk stories in English to be publish by University of Hong Kong.
(ii) Participated in research and design for the setting up of a Post-Graduate Diploma in Translation Studies Programme of studies at the Department of Languages in July 20 10.
(iii) Translation of Employment Contract for several companies.
(iv) Translated scripts on Oral Health for a series of radio programmes for the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life.
(v) Translation of a research article on history for the special issue of magazine Suman published on the occasion of the International Conference on Indian Diaspora (2011)
विशेषज्ञता/ प्रवीणता/ रुचि के क्षेत्र:
मॉरीशस, अफ़्रीका, अनुवाद, शिक्षण/शिक्षण शास्त्र, संपादन/प्रकाशन, पत्रकारिता, सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी, साहित्य/सृजनात्मक लेखन
Mauritius, Africa, Translation, Education/Pedagogy, Editing/Publication, Journalism, ICT, Creative Writing
वेब आधारित कड़ियाँ (Links):
उपलब्ध नहीं
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